Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Cold, tired, hungry, happy

A friend, Paul, and I went on a backpacking trip this past weekend up O'Malley Mountain. We left early Saturday morning, hiked about a mile into a valley between two ridges in the Chuchach mountains, dug out a snow cave big enough for two, spent the rest of the day summitting O'Malley and climbing back down, slept the frigid night in the cave, and then hiked out the next day. It was a pretty sweet time, and my first notable expedition into the hills. One of the coolest things about it was the amazing views we saw--click on the photo for a Flickr slideshow of some of what we saw.


Tuesday, April 19, 2005

CALF Member Gets Arrested

ANCHORAGE - Angela Szarenski was arrested today by the Anchorage Police Department for driving an automobile without insurance. Szarenski is reputed to be the local leader of the what police are calling, "The CALF Gang."

"We're not quite sure what CALF is," said Sgt. Musclebound, "But we've heard about it from our fellow officers in the lower 48. Rumor has it that there is a contingent in California, in Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Martha's Vineyard, and a few other places. We're pretty sure their headquarters is in Vermont, but that has not been confirmed."

An investigation into Szarenski's travel over the last six months shows that she has indeed traveled from Anchorage to Michigan to Vermont, and then back to Michigan before returning to Anchorage. The airlines are confirming that she already has tickets to fly back to Vermont in the next couple of weeks.

"We're not confirming that Szarenski is a member of CALF," Musclebound said, "but her movement over the past year has raised a few eyebrows among my officers."

Szarenski is only 20 years old, but sources inside CALF tell the Anchorage News that most of its members are under the age of 22.

Speaking under the condition of anonymity, one CALF member confirmed Szarenski's status as a leading figure in the gang, "Of course Ginie is one of the core members. She came late, after the creation of the whole thing, like she weren't no founder or nothing, but she's such a freakin' ball of personality that there weren't no way she wasn't gonna be part of the inner circle. Titties."

Szarenski's court date is set for mid May, but our sources tell us that she plans to leave the state before that date.

"Shit yeah, Ginie's a flight risk. She knows that if she went to prison, those hard-assed bitches would be brunksying her thack faster than you can say 'run peems run.'"

This is Szarenski's first offense.

Monday, April 18, 2005


I am not a great writer
I'm not even a good writer
But there is a story that must be told.
On Friday, April 15, 2005 a karaoke challenge was held here at APU
A challenge to end all other challenges at APU, or dare I say, the world.
Near the end of the night, a tall, skinny awkward boy stepped onto the stage.
He knelt down and looked as though he might curl into the fetal position, that, or rock...hard.
Finally the boy sang and this is what came from his oversized mouth...

"Watching every motion
In my foolish lover's game
On this endless ocean
Finally lovers know no shame

Turning and returning
To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion
As you turn around and say

Take my breath away"

His limbs flailed about as if independent from his body and his voice filled the air like Kyle's little girl screams.
This "breath taking" performance was made all the better when the karaoke machine broke half way through the song.
But the awkward little man started over from the very beginning.
No shame in that I always say.

The end of the song was what seemed to be a tribute to all people who suffer from suziers in which they scream like they're being brutally murdered and possibly dragged through broken glass.
Can someone say genius? I think so.
Through this entire performance, I thought that Dawn was going to pee herself.
She was laughing harder than when she heard the "You filthy whore" line on Family Guy.
I personally thought my face was going to melt off and I was proud to call this guy a friend. and that's that.

So this Blog Post goes out to the one and only Willy Shoemaker.
We salute you.
Your story will live on in the halls of APU until someone else can make a bigger ass out of himself and get away with it.
Nice work, you are the champion.

An end note of this wonderful story is that Will actually won second place and a cash prize of $75, now ain't that some tities.

We saw the Northern Lights a few days ago. My digital camera wasn't strong enough to capture it, but a buddy of mine, , is a photographer and he gots himself a kick-ass digi camera, so he got some good pics of it. Here's one of them:

Friday, April 15, 2005

Just played some ping pong, no big.

Roses: Rose number one, I shot a gun today. It was the most wonderful experience ever. I even hit a moving target. I finally understood and experienced the power of the phrase "WHO'S NEXT?!"
Guns are so f'in sexy.
Rose number two, Mia is sitting next to me making me laugh like it's her freakin job.
Rose number three, there's a new blizzard cake out right now that i get to learn how to make when I get bakc to the DQ!
Rose number four, I got like a buttload of homework done today and still had time to shoot guns.

Thorn: I have no idea why I'm always so freakin hot in the asc. I feel like my checks are going to explode.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Popstrology: What's Your Sign?

"Birthstars, Birthsongs, Constellations, Dominant Stars and Wildcards -- if you've reviewed the helpful information contained in our Popstrology 101 page, then you've begun to grasp the meaning of these terms. In popstrology as in so many areas of life, however, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. You may learn in the next few moments that you are a child of Al Green or a Double Elvis Presley, but you may learn instead that you are a Milli Vanilli or a Double Debby Boone. Either way, don't jump to any rash conclusions. Consider what you learn today to be your first, baby step on the road to popstrological enlightenment."

Begin here.