Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Sumer updates in the house!!!

I am officially a Dorset Bitch. Write that down.

I haven't updated in about 98798437 days, so I figure now's as good a time as any.
I need to point out here that I've joined a cult. Theater people are, in my opinion, completely insane, but there is a lure to be around people that make me look like a normal person. Whatever that means.
I run around all day looking like I know what I'm doing, but I have absolutely no clue in hell what I'm actually here for. Actually, I don't think many people know. What the fuck, company manager???

The first cast was the freakin shit. I totally fell in love with a man who is older than my dad. He was smooth and I was weeeeeeeaaaaaak. No surpise there, fucking actors.That's when I knew...I knew. I knew that I was going crazy just like the rest of them.
And thats totally fine with me.


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